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The Stories about abductions are a lot more than first thought! through reports from multiple countries, some without electricity, Phone, TV, The Internet and yet In many reports the abductee relates to the same experiences of others from around the globe, a study sugested that this is not an accident in coincedence but should be most definately investigated further! Below Is The Best Stories

Possibly the most compelling account of alien abduction is the Betty and Barney Hill UFO encounter of 1961. While typical of such close encounters, the abundance of detail in this one is astounding, and the recollections under hypnosis incredible. The fact that both husband and wife Barney and Betty underwent similar experiences, only revealed through hypnosis, and their stories correspond exactly to each other, adds credence to their trauma. This case has it all--being stalked, then taken aboard a UFO craft, being physically examined, having minds controlled during and afterward, missing time periods, the sight of small, human-like creatures, and telepathic communication with the extraterrestrials.

 Extensive research shows that alien abductions are occurring all over the world. In the production of this film, investigators traveled to ten countries in a daring attempt to uncover the truth. In this breathtaking program both witnesses and internationally respected researchers present the facts about this shocking and alarming phenomenon. 

Strange implants of an unknown technology are removed from an abductee's. A British policeman is abducted by two aliens, one of which he photographed. Strange landing marks and magnetic anomalies are found on the ground after abduction experiences. A man from Nazareth suffers from severe inflammations after being covered with a yellow dust during an abduction. Includes detailed accounts of UFO and Alien abductions from the United States, Great Britain, France, Finland, Hungary, Israel, Australia and Brazil. 


Lively debate with UFO reseacher Gary Heseltine giving it good to the debunker Prof. Chris French who uses his usual tactics of don't bother me with the facts, lets just attack the witness on a personal level. Also UFO experiencer Brigitte Barclay talks about her sightings. The segment was quickly removed from the UK's TV channel ITV's internet I player watch again service for no other reason except that someone on high does not want the evidence getting out !!

This video explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities.
Written, narrated and audio editing by Bernhard Guenther
Visuals and video editing by Humberto Braga

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